Why You Must Never Limit Difficult Students

Here at SCM we’ve long lamented strategies that limit the freedoms of difficult students. —Which include: Permanently moving their desk nearest the teacher. Not allowing them to work with certain students. Restricting their activities, movements, or access afforded other students. Now, it’s important to … Read more

How To Handle Entitled Students

Charming, stylish, and often athletically talented, entitled students believe they’re special and not subject to the same boundaries and expectations as others. Thus, they skirt the rules. They do less work. They speak and move as if princely treatment is their royal birthright. And … Read more

How To Stop Excessive Talking

“My students are social butterflies.” “Chatting is their learning style.” “They’re an expressive, creative bunch.” These statements and others like them are said as way of explanation. They are the reasons given for why the teacher is frequently interrupted. And why the class is … Read more

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