Personal Coaching

Hello Teachers!

Thank you for your interest in personal coaching.

If you’re struggling with classroom management and need 1-on-1 help, I’m available to meet with you via Zoom, Skype, or Facetime.

The cost is $195 for a one-hour session, and the topic is completely up to you.

Whether you want to turn around a difficult class, eliminate interruptions, or improve motivation, I’ll give you the tools you need to succeed.

I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do to have the peaceful, well-behaved class you really want.

What I can’t do, however, is guarantee your success. That part is up to you. After all, it’s you up there in front of your students.

And it’s you they’re looking to for inspiration.

The good news is that after many years of helping teachers transform their classrooms, I’m confident that anyone can create the teaching experience they desire.

You can too!

To purchase, click the blue button.


PS – As soon as I receive your order, I’ll email you to schedule a date and time that is best for you. You’ll also receive a five-question survey that will ensure you get the most out of our meeting.

Looking forward to meeting you.



“I am an avid reader of Michael’s simple, yet powerful management strategies on his blog and in his books. This year, I have been confronted with some unique challenges in the classroom. Although I am relatively well-versed in Michael’s strategies, I felt personal coaching would be just what I needed to ensure a successful school year.

Michael did not disappoint. He helped me to see the situation clearly, and gave me the tools, concrete strategies, and the mindset that I could use immediately.

One thing that stuck with me: the idea that if tension arises within a student, I should be hyper-conscious about becoming even more calm and in control. That mantra was in the back of my head when a student presented extremely challenging behavior the very next day. It helped me deescalate the situation and get the child back on-track.

I feel much more at ease about the school year now, and clear about the path I should take. Thanks, Michael!”

-Mike S. 3rd grade teacher, Issaquah, WA

“Michael is the best person to talk to about classroom management. He gives you ideas to apply the next day. Reading the articles is helpful, but when he puts a voice to his advice, it is that much more powerful. It is well worth the time.”

-Justin M. 3rd grade teacher, Tucson, AZ

“Michael Linsin’s coaching is on target! Guilty of dealing with the same classroom problems in the same way resulted in the same behaviors from both the students and the teacher.

Michael’s approach was clear and direct for making the classroom a productive, happy environment. The ‘ah-ha’ moment was in the simplicity of it! Every teacher at every grade level can benefit from Michael’s approach!”

-Diane K. Dean of Curriculum & Instruction, Quincy, IL

“As a first year teacher, I started to see the holes in my classroom management strategy four weeks into the school year. My 9th grade students began causing me all kinds of distress and I didn’t know what to do. My plan, which had seemed so strong in the beginning, had fallen apart.

Wanting to get my classroom in order as soon as possible without harming my relationships with students, I decided on personal coaching with Michael. Talking to Michael is like talking to Yoda about classroom management. 

In an hour, Michael helped me rebuild my plan. He offered suggestions that would have taken me years to realize. He also answered my questions, walked me through specific scenarios, and explained his philosophy in ways I found motivating and easy to apply. Thanks to Michael,  I am now a much more confident and effective classroom manager.”

-Marc S. 9th grade teacher, Perrysburg, OH

“Smart Classroom Management’s tools and strategies has transformed our school!  Michael’s ideas are simple, practical, and easy to put into action in your own classroom the next day.  
Our school now has a much tighter classroom management structure, improved overall student behavior, and improved teacher satisfaction with their class. Reading Michael’s books and subscribing to his blog are a must for any teacher that wants to take the stress and guesswork out of classroom management!”
-Ryan F. Instructional Coach, Rifle, CO

“I modeled ‘why not’ to leave a backpack in the middle of the aisle by falling and tripping, and then extended it to me trying to get around the room with a cast and crutches, telling a hypothetical student with a question to be patient as I hobbled and said I should be there in 20 minutes.

They ate it up and looked at each other with joy in their eyes. I would have been so afraid of losing control to have attempted it without Michael’s coaching. It has also felt freeing to be able to honestly say, ‘You did great in the cafeteria and in the hallway, but the way you came up the stairs was not good enough.’ I was amazed when they nodded in agreement!”

-Laura C. 7th & 8th grade teacher, New York, NY

“Getting one-on-one coaching helped me so much because he gave me a fresh perspective on my situation and gave me personal tools and advice for my particular case. As a first year teacher, classroom management was not a priority at the start of the year, and after a couple months, my classes were chaotic and teaching became a frustrating, stressful task.

Now, I have a plan to help my classes now, and especially at the start of next year. I’m confident that these tools will greatly transform my classes in the coming weeks. It was worth every penny.”

-Laura K. 6th, 7th, & 8th grade teacher, Glendora, CA

“I am an avid reader of Michael Linsin’s articles and books, three of which I have read and I look forward to his new one coming out in May. However, the personal coaching is the icing on the cake.

Michael has helped me rest assured that I was on the right track regarding how I handled certain scenarios, and he has also helped me make changes to my system that weren’t so much on the right track.

The added benefit of personal coaching was well worth it for me. I can truly say that I have improved as a teacher and the proof is that now… the students continually express their appreciation for the way I run the class!”

-Ruth P. Art teacher, Berkeley, CA

“Michael helped me set up a classroom management plan for my class, and helped me stay on track when I didn’t know how to handle a few special circumstances.

Consultations (3) with Michael have transformed my teaching. I went from feeling like an incompetent teacher who dreaded class time to confidence and a sense of purpose fueled by knowledge of what is right.”

-Sophia J. College instructor, Barcelona, Spain

“Personal coaching with Michael filled me with such hope, joy and enthusiasm! Michael helped clarify some strategies and strengthened my resolve on others.

For me, it was well worth the money. And, he was very thoughtful. I didn’t feel rushed. It was like meeting a long lost friend. Thank you, Michael! You are terrific!!”

-Linda F. 1st grade teacher, Grand Terrace, CA

“I had been benefiting from the SCM website and articles for 3 years before contacting Michael, and knew that the SCM principles had made a huge difference to my effectiveness in, and enjoyment of my first couple of years as a teacher.

However, I also had questions and self-doubts that I wanted to clarify, and talking to Michael in a one-to-one coaching session really helped me to do this. I was able to discuss specific situations, experiences and student behaviour and receive personal advice and help, which has subsequently relieved some of the pressure I was putting on myself.

The process of booking the session was quick and easy, and Michael was direct and to-the-point but also listened to my particular worries and was very encouraging.

The only down was that the session flew by but I am extremely grateful that Michael has offered to answer any follow-up questions via e mail now and in the future, so I still feel I have this expert support when needed – thank you Michael!”

-Heidi T. 5th grade teacher, London, England

“Just wanted to report that my first week back after the holidays was GREAT! The difference in my class (and me) is like night and day. I went in on Tuesday with trepidation, thinking that sustaining Monday’s good behavior seemed unlikely but the whole week went off as well as the first day. 


I’m having fun and remembering again why I wanted to be a teacher. I didn’t realize how much I got out of our session until I got back into the classroom.”

-Wendy C. 7th grade teacher, Naples, FL

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