Should Your First Consequence Be A Warning?

I’m frequently asked whether I recommend giving a warning as a first consequence. My answer is an emphatic yes. Giving a warning eliminates the need for three commonly used strategies that make classroom management more difficult. Teachers who struggle with classroom management tend to … Read more

How Best To Hold Students Accountable

Why does it pain teachers to hold students accountable? Why are some so quick to ignore misbehavior, look the other way, or make excuses for it? Accountability is important, right? So what’s the problem? I have a few ideas. Teachers are slow to hold … Read more

How To Handle Talkative Students

At Thanksgiving dinner, my grandfather used to blurt out whatever was on his mind, interrupt others while they were talking, and dominate the conversation. I was a grade schooler at the time, but if I could, I would have put him in time-out so … Read more

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