When And Why It’s Okay For Students To Talk

There is a common misconception that effective classroom management means silence. It means rigidness and tight restriction. It means backs straight and eyes forward. Hour after hour. And while there are teachers who try to run their classroom this way, or think they should, … Read more

A Trick To Staying Calm All Day Long

Keeping a calm, unruffled temperament makes classroom management easier. It effectively removes excitability, which is a major cause of misbehavior. It makes you more likable and worthy of trust. It gives you leadership presence and allows you to build effortless rapport. But for many … Read more

A Simple Way To Calm An Excitable Class

Excitability is a major cause of misbehavior. Which is why it is present in virtually every classroom where the teacher is struggling. You can feel it the moment you enter the room. There is an unmistakable buzz, a live wire of tension, a jitter … Read more

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