How To Have Jedi-Like Classroom Management Powers

“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” -Obi-Wan Kenobi There exists a quiet cadre of teachers who can take over any classroom—out-of-control, disrespectful, or otherwise—and get the students under control, quiet, and working within minutes. They have a certain presence about them, a certain … Read more

8 Things Teachers Do To Cause Boredom

When students get bored their minds drift. And while some settle on daydreaming, tile-counting, and general inattentiveness, other students are drawn to more…ahem…destructive pursuits. For where there is boredom, there is misbehavior percolating just under the surface, ready to pounce. Although there is a … Read more

How To Talk To Difficult Students

Most teachers talk to difficult students too much, because somewhere along the line they’ve gotten the idea that the more attention they give them, the better teacher they’ll be. So they pull them aside for pep-talks, reminders, and lectures. They warn. They scold. They … Read more

5 Strategies To Avoid With Difficult Students

Five of the most frequently recommended strategies for dealing with difficult students can actually cause an increase or a worsening of misbehavior. Which begs the question: If they cause behavior to get worse, then why are they recommended? Well, for a few reasons. They’re … Read more

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