The Best Of Smart Classroom Management 2024

The Best Of Smart Classroom Management 2024

Hello Amazing Teachers!

On behalf of the entire SCM team, I want to say “Thank you!” Your willingness to share our website with your friends and colleagues keeps us going strong.

I’m eternally grateful.

2025 marks our 16th year, and we have no intention of slowing down. In fact, I have a new book coming out on June 1st. As for the topic, it’s still under lock and key. (Very secret.)

However, I think it’s the most helpful and impactful writing for teachers I’ve ever done. In the meantime, what follows in no particular order are the very best SCM articles of 2024.

Cheers! And enjoy.

Why Public Education Is Failing And How You Can Fix It

Why Your Students Need To Hear The Hard Truth

The Big Lie Of Childhood Trauma

How To Handle Students Who Do Nothing

Why Orderliness Is A Predictor Of Classroom Management Success

Why Redirection Is A Bad Classroom Management Strategy

Why You Should Limit Your Contact With Difficult Students

When And How To Teach Your Classroom Management Plan

How To Avoid Dangerous Student Behavior

Why You Must Require Properly Spoken Language In Your Classroom

Why You Should Limit Group Work

How To Handle A Student Who Laughs When You Give Another Student A Consequence

There you have it, the best of 2024. Please let us know if there is a topic you’d like us to cover in the new year.

Next week we’re off to celebrate Christmas, but will be back with a new article on January 4th.

Have a wonderful and safe holiday and a Happy New Year!


PS – If you haven’t done so already, please join us. It’s free! Click here and begin receiving classroom management articles like this one in your email box every week.

8 thoughts on “The Best Of Smart Classroom Management 2024”

  1. Merry Christmas and thank you! I’ve been following you for ten years and appreciate that you are willing to speak the hard truth about what’s going on in the classroom and how damaging it is to children and their best education. Classroom management has always been my strength and when other teachers comment on this I point them to you…but I find it interesting that, as far as I am aware, no one is willing to make the change. I don’t know if they sincerely don’t believe it is best for kids, or if they’re just not willing to do the hard work to change. I’m looking forward to your new book in June!

  2. Thanks for always pushing out great content. I’ve been following you since my first year of teaching which has been over 10 years ago.

  3. A new book, that will be even more helpful and impacting? I have trouble imagining something that can top the last one, so this is certainly something to look forward to in 2025!
    Great to see the best articles from last year. I especially liked the one on group work, and also on the failures of public education.
    A very happy 2025 to you!

  4. I look forward every week to reading your words of wisdom. I am in my 5th years of teaching and picked up your blog my first year. It has helped me more than I can say. I send certain articles to my team, and always recommend this blog when people complain about the state of their classroom.
    I know I still have work to do in my classroom, and with myself. (I get far too emotional) However, reading your articles is a weekly reminder that it’s up to me to make the learning environment productive.
    Thanks for staying with it! It makes a difference!


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