9 Ways To Never Lose Control Of Your Class

Smart Classroom Management: 9 Ways To Never Lose Control Of Your Class

The SCM approach is built on simplicity.

Although it takes commitment, and there is a fair amount to learn, anyone can do it. Short or tall, new hire or veteran, follow SCM like a paint-by-numbers Hokusai and you can create a thing of beauty.

It doesn’t matter your grade level, where you teach, or who shows up on your roster. It doesn’t matter if you have the “worst” class in the school or in the past had terrible classroom management.

Anyone can do it.

However, it’s easy to lose control. Get lazy, lose your resolve, let your guard down, and you’ll pay dearly. Teaching is absolutely unforgiving in this regard.

To avoid such a fate—besides getting it right from the beginning—you must nurture and maintain your dream class like a Japanese flower garden.

Here’s how:

1. Consistency

You said it, so you better do it. Every. Single. Time. Indeed, it takes strength and mental toughness. But failing to follow your classroom management plan as written is the number one reason teachers lose control.

2. Details

Everything should be taught in detail. Your students must know beyond any doubt what is expected of them every moment of the school day. When they’re unsure, even briefly, misbehavior ensues and motivation tanks.

3. Pause

Great teachers pause often—including long, awkward pauses—to test whether students are attentive and accountable for what is being said. It’s also a check-in that effectively keeps students on task and away from misbehavior.

4. Shift

A key foundational SCM strategy is to continually shift responsibility onto your students’ shoulders day after day and moment to moment. When there is no healthy pressure and purpose, students do poorly in every area.

5. Remind

Reminders before misbehavior are always good. Reminders after misbehavior are always bad. At every transition, no matter the grade level, you must remind your students of what is expected academically and behaviorally until the next transition.

6. Stop

The instant your teacherly sense tells you that things aren’t quite right, stop your class, go back to the previous transition, and reteach/remind. Clarity is king. Accept only what you want. Success is the only option. Anything else is never okay.

7. Observe

Teach an interesting lesson, send students off independently (or in groups) to do the work, solve for X, write the essay, etc., and then slip into the shadows and watch like a hawk. Praise. Give feedback. Repeat. All day long.

8. Supervise

What happens if you don’t witness misbehavior? This is the wrong question. Because you must never miss misbehavior. At least, it should be as rare as a white rhino. Yes, it’s doable. It must be or you’ll lose control of your class.

9. Be on

Get your sleep. Exercise. Eat right. Manage your stress. Because to have good classroom management, you have to be on. You have to be ready, sharp, and bold. You have to know what you want and communicate it. Otherwise, a tough class will run you over.


No, we don’t give rewards in exchange for good behavior. External rewards are not only manipulative, sapping of intrinsic motivation, and bad for students, but in the long run they make classroom management harder.

The rewards are for you.

When you implement SCM from the beginning and hold to the guidelines above, you’re rewarded with peace of mind, happy and well-behaved students, and a job you love.

It truly is doable, even in this day and age.

But you can’t pick and choose strategies. You can’t waver and make excuses. You can’t slide into the counterfeit comfort of laziness, weak acceptance, and complaining along with the cawing birds in the teacher’s lounge.

You have to own it. You have to grab hold of it. You have to never let it go.

PS – Every topic above has been covered extensively in our books, guides, and article archive. Please refer to these resources for details.

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15 thoughts on “9 Ways To Never Lose Control Of Your Class”

  1. Wow! Great article It basically sums up your philosophy. Keep up the great work Michael. You are truly an inspiration

      • Michael,

        I would love to see an article about administration who do not support Smart Classroom Management. My students are aware that our admin will not follow through with consequences of any kind making my management worthless to many. The majority of my students are not motivated by grades (they are socially promoted even if they fail every course), have no consequences at home, and do not see the value in education. There are times, that despite my meticulous classroom managment, I need to refer students out of the classroom with no consequence from admin. This sends the message that what I do doesn’t carry any authority. Would love to hear your pespective on this.

        • Debi, you have it in a nutshell. And I bet our schools aren’t the only schools and districts with the problem.
          Basically the admin wants to be “buddies” with the kids and provides no consequence for poor classroom behavior. Admin let’s the kids know that the teachers are the bad guys. So the kids get to run the show and they know it.

  2. Nice article. I would love to order your system plan. I teach first grade to senior highschool. Do you have a combo package?

  3. Excellent points regarding management of a classroom but one additional point should be positive relationship building. When a teacher has strong rapport with our students then management becomes easy with the students you have a nice rapport with.

  4. Hi Michael! Thanks so much for your articles and books. They are so helpful. Maybe you have an article that mentions this, but any advice on communicating your classroom management plan to parents at the beginning of the year? We have Back to School Night before the school year starts, so that requires me to explain my classroom management plan to parents before I explain it to students. Any thoughts on how I should go about that?

    • I have a letter I give to parents that explains what our four rules are, why we have them, what the consequences are. At our orientation night I go over the plan, while they look at that letter and have them sign a slip of paper stating that they have read the letter and agree with the plan. I keep the signed slips in each child’s file.

  5. While this is great advice, I wonder if you are implementing PBIS. Most of these suggestions are great. However, I must implement PBIS. Do you have any suggestions for this?

  6. I like your clear and consistent approach. It works. I would love to read more about behaviour management in special ed classes.

  7. I am a retired teacher since September 2023. I taught for 41 years, 11 months and 13 days in the Jamaican classroom. Teachers must set the tone for their class at the beginning of each school year. I have gained a lot of experience in the classroom. If you allow students to have their way at any time, you are done for.


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