How To Avoid Holiday Misbehavior

Smart Classroom Management: How To Avoid Holiday Misbehavior

Misbehavior tends to increase as we edge closer to holiday break. It’s a phenomenon as old as Santa and just as predictable.

But it isn’t inevitable.

There are strategies that allow you to avoid the rise in rambunctiousness, excitable voices, and impulsively bad behavior.

But you’ve got to start now before you find yourself losing control and too stressed to enjoy the season.

What follows are my favorite three strategies to calm the blizzard and ensure a smooth ride to the bottom of the slope.

1. Review your plan.

Whenever you’re in doubt about what to do in response to increased misbehavior, always and first double-down on your classroom management plan.

In this case, you’ll review it before witnessing any worsening behavior. How detailed a review must rely on your teacherly sense and be based on your students’ age and proclivity to get excited, break rules, etc.

This may include a simple read aloud of your plan or a complete reteaching, modeling included. With just a bit of reflection, you’re sure to make the right choice. However, when in doubt, err on the side of being more detailed rather than less.

You’ll also want to review your plan often. Two days per week minimum, if not every day. After a more detailed, initial reteaching of your plan, subsequent reviews should only take a few minutes.

Be sure to clearly state your promise to follow through for every transgression of rules and then do so. Let your students experience through your accountability that nothing will change despite the approaching vacation.

2. Slow down.

This is always good advice that applies to nearly every teacher and results in many wonderful benefits. However, a slower pace in the days before break are critical.

Moving fast, talking fast, and rushing through lessons and routines always causes worsening behavior. The difference in slowing your mind and body can be profound.

Students take their cue from you. Your energy determines the energy in the room. The more hyperactive and tense they are, the more relaxed and unhurried you should become. This alone is a big factor in behavior and attentiveness, especially prior to break.

So take your time. Smooth your movements. Be clearer, more efficient, and less verbose. Pause often and take advantage of lengthy and even awkward and off-beat pauses. Smile often and enjoy the ride.

This doesn’t mean that your lessons must become boring. It just means that transitions, routines, and general instructions must become calm, unhurried, and highly specific.

3. Focus on academics.

Learning often suffers near holiday breaks, and not just because students are more distracted. Teachers tend to let off the gas. They ease up the urgency. They add more fluff and require less diligence.

But this signals to students that vacation starts before vacation—if you get my snow drift. Much better to have projects due and important tests and essays scheduled on the last day or so.

This isn’t to say that you can’t do wintry art projects and seasonal science experiments. You can. But the focus on excellence and quality work can never change. In fact, like all good teachers, your expectations should rise from one day to the next all the way until the last day of school.

Raise the bar on what you expect. Be clear about what success looks like. Push hard through to the very end. Responsibility, purpose, and academic content must be heavy and dense for student behavior to be at its best.

Furthermore, while other classrooms are experiencing a loss in learning and an increase in stress and silliness, your students will be galloping ahead.


Students are getting pummeled on every side with messages that school is almost out and freedom and fun are soon to begin.

You must be different than the normal teaching crowd.

This doesn’t make you a scrooge. It makes you a good teacher. It also allows you to peacefully enjoy the last few weeks and days before heading out to your own holiday parties and celebrations.

So set your mind tomorrow and commit to keeping the sleigh on the tracks. Don’t wait. First thing, review your plan. Send the message that your rules are still set in frozen ground and consequences will be delivered per usual.

Next, slow down. Relax your body. Pause often. Move and speak slower. Fill the room with your calm energy and refuse to move on until you’re getting what you want from your students.

And finally, keep the focus on academics.

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13 thoughts on “How To Avoid Holiday Misbehavior”

  1. I said to my class, just the other day: “It may be the last week. It may be the last day. It may be the christmas party. You are still expected to behave perfectly.”

  2. The challenge is to stay in academic content until the break, especially when you are surrounded by others who start showing movies two weeks before break. Right is right even when no one is doing it, wrong is still wrong even when everyone is doing it. I am fortunate to have an amazing teaching partner who believes that learning should continue until the break. We have seasonal lessons that are still rigorous and essential standards based. They are there to learn, not watch ELF for the twentieth time.

  3. Thanks. This past week they’ e been ramping up, so yesterday I did exactly this. I was so calm and it worked. And I have 30 4th graders – some who are very ornery.

  4. Do you have suggestions for effective consequences for 4th/5th grade students you see once a week and are only graded with S or N?

    Thank you!

  5. Whoa! Michael, can you see me and my skis skidding off the tried-and-true SCM trail? Can you also see how my face, from embarrassment, is as red as Santa’s suit. Surely, I am as dumb as a bucket of cookie crumbs. On Wednesday nights I volunteer-teach religious education. No sooner had I coasted into last week’s lesson, my students began laughing and giggling. Hang on to your yule log—one little merrymaker even raised his hand and inquired about the Elf on the Shelf—which had nothing to do with Adam and Eve. I plowed ahead, the giggles continued. Seeing I had no choice, I handed off the biggest giggler to the aide, to sit at the far table and complete the lesson one-on-one. With a few interruptions, I managed to complete the lesson with the rest of the group. BUT, lesson learned! Next week, before I strap on my skis, I’ll be reviewing my expectations and reminding my little elves why we are all here on a chilly Wednesday evening, when I could be at home, in front of my fireplace, sipping hot cocoa, enjoying heavenly peace.

  6. I teach 7th and 8th grade history, the school has bring a plushy to school, PJ day, holiday hat day, flannel day, ugly sweater day and sing a holiday song all planned in the next 10 days. While this is fun, it sets up a mood that we are on vacation already. The main task as stated in the above article is to slow down but keep the students focused with some due dates and quizzes up to the last day.


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