The Best Of Smart Classroom Management 2017

The Best Of Smart Classroom Management 2017Here at Smart Classroom Management, we’d like to express our deepest appreciation to you, our loyal readers.

Your support means everything to us.

Your willingness to share SCM with friends, colleagues, and followers allow us to continue doing what we love week after week and year after year. For that, we are eternally grateful.

From our heart to yours, Thank You!

We have an exciting line up of articles planned for 2018 as well as a new e-guide coming out in May. We also begin work on our biggest book yet, which is scheduled for release in spring of 2019.

But first, a look back. What follows are the very best classroom management articles of 2017, which are based on the total number of social shares.

Cheers! And enjoy . . .

1. Why Staying Late After School Is A Mistake

2. How To Handle Students Who Give You Attitude

3. Why You Shouldn’t Try To Convince Difficult Students To Behave

4. 5 Simple Ways To Eliminate Stress From Your Teaching Life

5. 9 Ways To Have More Authority Next School Year

6. Why You Should Pretend Your Most Difficult Students Are Perfectly Well Behaved

7. How To Improve Classroom Management Every Day

8. How To Handle A Student Who Questions You With Disrespect

9. A Radical Way To Transform Difficult Students

10. How To Handle Students Who Misbehave Behind Your Back

11. How To Be Both Calm And Enthusiastic Next School Year

12. When And Why It’s Okay For Students To Talk

Have a wonderful and safe holiday and a Happy New Year!


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13 thoughts on “The Best Of Smart Classroom Management 2017”

    • Hi Bobbi,

      We don’t have any plans to release it again as is, but may make some changes and make it available in the future.

  1. WOW. I love the idea of a brief feedback session in the morning and improving the class routines each day. That is so ridiculously simple, but I bet it’s insanely effective. I’m going to start that tomorrow!!!! I’m making the checklist out as soon as I’m done commenting. 🙂

    I also loved the post about 5 ways to de-stress. I recognized some of those tips from your Happy Teacher Habits book! 🙂 I find saying no to be particularly refreshing. Question: how do you recommend saying no to micromanaging (especially from administration members)? I do find it can be ignored at times or my own spin can be put on things, but I’d love any specific ideas for when I hit a wall.

    Thank you so much for providing all of these amazing ideas for us all!!!

    • Hi Marla,

      I’m so glad you liked those articles! Often, the simplest things are most effective. Your question is a good one, but my answer would definitely require more time and space than I have here. I’ll be sure to put it on the list of future topics to cover. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. I have had the most amazing last 2 days! I have a rough class and we had made significant progress since the beginning of the year. That said, we were not a great class and instruction was often interrupted while I was dealing with behavior issues that popped up frequently. I already had simillar rules in place like the ones you suggest and I modeled and we practiced often. What I was lacking was consequences. I was doling out logical consequences based on the infraction, but this was very time consuming and often disengaged the rest of the class because of the frequency of interruptions. Wednesday we got back from winter break. I made a big deal telling my class they had made it to level 2! Our rules hadn’t changed much (a little more specific), but we had updated and posted consequences. We went over everything in explicit detail. I even made a funny modeling video about the right way and the wrong way. Then we played a Kahoot game that I made about it. They really enjoyed the lesson and caught on really quickly. My class instantly turned into my dream class with just a few tweaks!

  3. Wow! this is great sir, I learned a lot though I haven’t yet read all of your articles.But I can see it’s big help for my classroom management strategies. You know I’m so stressed with my rowdy students inside the classroom. They’re only seven but almost 80 percent of them misbehaves. So it’s hard for me to handle them. I applied all the techniques which is exactly opposite of what you strongly suggest and it’s not really effective. well thank you sir Michael, I believe my class will also be a dream class soon and not a Jurassic one… hek hek


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