How To Handle Disrespectful Students Who Don’t Know They’re Being Disrespectful

handling disrespecful studentsA student points their finger inches from your face and teasingly says, “I’m mad at you. That homework last night was hard!”

Or . . .

A student raises their hand and commands you to “Tell John to stop bothering me.”

In either case you’re uncomfortable with the way you’ve been addressed.

It’s given you pause, and you’re unsure how to respond.

On one hand, neither student appears to have any malicious intent.

From their tone of voice and body language, it’s clear they don’t realize they’re being disrespectful.

On the other hand, they are being disrespectful, no doubt about it.

So how should you proceed?

Should you follow your classroom management plan as it’s written and risk causing confusion and resentment? Or should you ignore their disrespect on the grounds that they don’t know any better and risk more of the same behavior?

What follows are seven steps that will allow you to handle this surprisingly common situation with grace and sensitivity, while all but removing the chances of it happening again.

1. Move on.

The first step is to quickly move on from the incident while neither endorsing nor condemning their behavior. The key here is to keep your cool, avoiding any outward expression of anger or disappointment.

A thin smile and a nod of the head will usually suffice. However, if applicable, you may have to calmly tell the student that you’ll speak to them about it later.

2. Pull aside.

After the incident is forgotten (30 minutes is a good rule of thumb), pull the student aside for a quick word. Here at SCM we typically don’t recommend private meetings with students regarding their behavior. In this case, however, it’s warranted.

3. Avoid confrontation.

There is no reason to question the student or force assurances from them. Your sole purpose is to educate. You see, when you tell students “this is the way it is,” they readily accept it. It’s when you browbeat them into telling you what you want to hear that they become defensive and argumentative.

4. Recount and inform.

Recount the exact actions and words the student used that triggered your instinct that their behavior was disrespectful. Then simply inform them that it crossed the line, that it isn’t okay to speak to a teacher the way they might a friend or sibling.

5. Model the alternative.

The next step is to illustrate how they should have addressed you. Model it for them so they know exactly what you mean. No matter how irritated their behavior made you feel, be sure and maintain a helpful demeanor. It’s key to ensuring that it doesn’t happen again.

6. Pause.

A short pause will give the student a chance to speak if they wish. You’ll often get an apology. If you don’t, however, or if the student clams up, that’s okay. It’s not important that they admit their mistake. Your meeting isn’t a form of accountability, and it shouldn’t be construed as such.

7. Make a promise.

Finish your conversation with a promise that if it happens again, you’ll enforce a consequence. By patiently setting the record straight, the student will walk away from your two-minute meeting with a greater appreciation of you and a fuller, more meaningful understanding of respect.

Defining Disrespect

Disrespect appears to be on the rise—particularly among younger students. It’s important, however, to determine if the disrespect is intentional or a misunderstanding of the definition.

Sadly, as surprising as it may seem, due to poor home and neighborhood influences many students just don’t know any better. And enforcing consequences for behavior your students don’t understand to be wrong will jeopardize your relationship with them.

It will cause friction, distrust, and resentment and increase rather than decrease the chances of it happening again.

The good news is that body language and tone of voice will always tell you whether to enforce a consequence immediately or pull the student aside for a brief lesson.

This underscores the importance of teaching this particular topic thoroughly in the beginning of the school year.

If you model the most likely scenarios—like those above, for example—and define for your students precisely where the line is, then instances of disrespect, intentional or not, will be few and far between.

Note: This article was in response to several passionate requests. If you’d like us to write about a particular issue you’re struggling with, just send us an email or leave a comment below.

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39 thoughts on “How To Handle Disrespectful Students Who Don’t Know They’re Being Disrespectful”

  1. Hello Michael,

    I’ve had a lot of success with simply telling the child right when it happens, that such behavior is disrespectful and to watch their tone next time without having to set up a private meeting or anything. I do this with an attitude of education and not one of punishment or of having taken real offense. The student almost always understands, apologizes and it doesn’t happen again. If it does, then I enact a consequence.

    Is there a reason you advise to put it off for a while and schedule a private conference?

    • Hi Chuck,

      It can be a challenge for many teachers to so quickly compose themselves and address the student with a helpful tone. The other risk is that you may not have the time to fully explain why to the student, along with offering them an alternative—which can leave them privately resentful.


  2. Micheal,

    How would you deal with manipulative student who is trying to turn adults and classmates against you? Have talked to student after class and he will get defensive and start crying.

    Thank you

    • Hi Lynn,

      If you wouldn’t mind emailing me with more information–grade level and specific details and examples–then I can either give you some quick tips or put it on the list of future topics.


  3. I appreciate the piece and agree with the strategy. Many students almost do this to show how comfortable they are with the teacher or that particular classroom setting.

    Another possible response goes as follows.

    I teach in a High School (mostly junior students) and have found a simple reply that is useful for the whole class to hear. I try to say it in as flat a tone as possible to keep the possiblilty of shame out of it or of upping the ante for the student in their attempt to save face.

    I pause, a bit longer than usual and then simply ask the student: “Did you mean to sound disresepectful? When they answer no, I reply with: “I need to let you know that it sounded disrespectful and that’s not OK.

    Almost all of the time they instantly apologize and add some version of that not being their intention. And I reply that I didn’t think that was their intention. The vast majority of the time I don’t think it was their intention.

    What this seems to do is give them (and the rest of the class)information about what is appropriate and what crosses a line.

    In more that 10 years of using this I have only had one student answer in the affirmative which led things in a different direction with different consequences.

    Keep the posts coming. My colleagues and I enjoy them immensley and they often initiate discussion.


  4. My main tactic (and I find that it works well 99% of the time) is to say, “Please say that in a more respectful way”.

    Another way to say it is, “Could you try that again in a more appropriate way?”.

    Or, “I would appreciate if you could ask me rather than demand it of me.”

    Immediate modeling also works. If the student demands, “Tell John to stop bothering me!!”, I would immediately reply back and pretend that I am a student and say, “Mrs. A, please tell John to stop bothering me”… and usually the demanding student then repeats what I said because they IMMEDIATELY realize that how they stated their request was inappropriate.

    OR: “It seems that you need some help solving a problem with Johnny. Is there a question that you need to ask me?”

    At the elementary level, we can’t wait 30 minutes to address behavior – by then, the students have totally forgotten the little things that they did 30 minutes ago!

  5. How would you handle the fact a child a misbehaving daily and parents are not helping to handle it on the home side, parents make “threats” no desserts or TV yet don’t follow through or pretty much change the subject when behavior is brought up as though they think ignoring it will cause it to dissappear pretty much, becomes frustrating not having support from parents, I do as much positive bragging as I can to help, but at a stand still with child & parent.

  6. Obviously this is elementary level because by high school, the above doesn’t even classify as rude. Addressing the above is e-a-s-y. If this is the worst you’ve got it, you are in a good place — enjoy.

  7. This post sure helped me out with my subconscious thin smile I had on my face, as I was approaching a confrontation between two girls.

    It sure worked perfectly for me, I been using it for over 8 years now to date, but the people in my Country don’t see the effectiveness of using a thin smile when trying to calm an adolescent down.

  8. I agree with this article and it’s helpful. I feel compelled to point out that the use of the word “powwow” out of context is not culturally sensitive. I work in a school that has a large Native American population and have been told that this can be offensive. Just like we don’t say to sit “Indian sytle” anymore; we say “criss cross applesauce.” It’s also not good to use the saying, “Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.”

  9. Obviously, you have not spent much time in an urban school district with high poverty. I had to laugh at “your sole purpose is to educate”. Many of my students come to school solely to be loved. Some days I spend equal time teaching and loving (and I teach high school).

    I find that “this is the way it is” causes more disrespect because students cannot see the thought process behind your decision, and they make the assumption that the decision was made (many times against them) because you do not like them. One of my students’ most disrespectful behavior is cursing and they feel it is okay behavior because they are not cursing at the teacher. I explain to them that the way their friend allows themselves to be talked to is not my business. My issue is that I am being disrespected, but did not do anything to them to deserve that. Once I go through this explanation, they usually get it. And if they cursed again, I would write a disciplinary referral but I would be laughed at in the deans office (consequences only work if you have administration support).

    • Liz- I also teach high school in an urban area with more than 50% free and reduced lunch. The lack of administrative support is shocking to me as a 3rd year teacher. I had a student shove me out of the way with the door to enter the classroom he was not to enter after cussing and walking out, only to have him back in my class after 1 class period of in school detention.
      It is not uncommon to have a student tell you off if they are asked to go back to the cafeteria during lunch while on hall duty.
      I love the posts here and have found many tips and insight in better managing my classes, but like you I don’t think many of the strategies are geared toward difficult high schools where teacher leave after 1 year.
      I want to know how to handle the student who on a bad day will shout curses in your class at you and other students or the students who will text each other during class and shout to each other across the room. I can redirect, write them up, or send them out if anyone even comes to get them. What else is there…

  10. I’ve found that giving them a ‘do-over’ helps them practice addressing you appropriately while allowing them to save face. Simply saying “I don’t think that’s how you meant to say that. Would you like a do -over, or would you like to try that again?” This makes it clear that you expect to be addressed respectfully and it gives them a chance to erase their mistake and do it correctly. I let my students (and my children) see me use do-overs as well so they know we all make mistakes. I might say “Wow! I said that very sarcastically. I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. Let me try that again, or I’m going to use a do-over.” They appreciate it when we authentically model the behavior we expect from them.

  11. I had this disturbing experience today. I had to inform my English teacher that she had forgotten to give marks for some classmates and me. When I was saying so in the staff room, another teacher nearby requested me to come to her a little later. When my teacher had gone elsewhere, she came and said that I talk too loud and that was not the right way to talk to a teacher. I was dumbstruck when she made this accusation that I could only blurt out that I was sorry. Later my English teacher called me outside the staff room and asked why I was showing my anger towards her and that she was disappointed in me. I could hardly understand what was going on. I said so and she said ‘don’t pretend like you don’t know’. I have a naturally bold voice and the staff room was quite noisy, so I had to raise it to be heard. Now, she accuses me of disrespecting her when I have always adored her and never had an intention like that. She never let me explain that my tone of voice sometime seems like that which even my mother says so at times. But its always a joke with my family and friends, and nobody had ever accused me of disrespect before in my life. I feel so embarrassed and angry for being blamed when I never meant anything disrespectful. I don’t even know if I should apologise. She can’t seem to understand that I never meant any disrespect. She’s fixated on the fact that I was angry at her for not giving marks. Who even becomes angry for that? I was the class topper! Also, term is over and I won’t be seeing jer for a month. I’m so depressed to have heard this from my favourite teacher. Need advice. Should I apologise or just forget it and move on?

    • Hi Rose,

      I don’t think you need to apologize, but rather just speak from the heart and explain just like you did above. If nothing else, you’ll feel good in knowing you did your best to correct the misunderstanding. Whether or not they believe or accept it isn’t your issue. Set the record straight for yourself and then move on.


  12. Hi Michael,

    I have a grade 8 female student who is very disrespectful to myself (homeroom teacher), other staff, students and visitors to the school.
    I had this student in my class last year as well, where disrespect was also a problem, but was dealt with, however, now the issues have escalated.

    Student has always claimed that she doesn’t like school (even last year) so because of this she has always been disrespectful within the learning environment. Shouts out during lessons, “this activity is dumb/ stupid, etc” and since students see her as a leader (popular and outspoken) they follow her behaviour and attitude towards school and learning. Therefore, students will usually laugh and get off topic.

    When a test/ school event is coming up, if the student does not want to participate on that day, she’ll announce to the class that she’s not coming and then not show up. When I spoke to her mother, about missing a test (all I asked is how the student was feeling and let the mother know that there was a test) mother became defensive and said, “how dare you imply that my daughter is lying, she is sick”.

    Student is disrespectful when speaking with saying things such as, ” I don’t have to do that” or “I don’t want to do that” while rolling eyes, etc.
    When I spoke to her about her tone of voice/ disrespect, she claims that she is not disrespectful and will walk away and say that she does not want to speak to me anymore or she will cry and say that I’m picking on her.

    Then, she will not be disrespectful for a short period of time (to avoid consequences) and instead manipulates other students to be disrespectful.

    Any suggestions on how I can deal with this situation, I’d really appreciate it.

    • Hi Sabrina,

      I know it sounds simple, but you must, must, must hold the student accountable for her disrespect. Whether that looks like detention and/or a direct effect on her grades depends on your school policies, but it’s the one essential to getting her attention and changing behavior. They are many other strategies that can help turn her around, which you can find on this site, but none will be effective without accountability.


  13. These articles are very informative and should be required reading for every teacher as a refresher at the beginning of every year! I am a firm believer that students are what they have been taught directly or indirectly. Most students have not a clue what being respectful or disrespectful means because of what they have learned from home. Respect must be taught in the classroom because it’s not being “taught” at home. After 40+ years of teaching, I unfortunately see this trend of disrespectful students increasing. We as teachers must turn this tide!

  14. I had a student this year whom I had taught in the early forms. He became very arrogant and had to send for the Head of School as I would never allow students to talk to me that way. I demanded an apology and the Head also; he was challenged by the Head to do so well that then he could change class.

    Now that weeks have passes, this student is not only polite to me but politely amicable, and equally or more importantly, he is working hard and paying attention in class as I expect him to do. In fact he is excelling and I hope he will be able to sit for his GCE next year and pass with flying colours.

  15. Written OK at best. A teaching moment needs to be teaching across the board on how to be respectful to everyone they have a relationship with, only if they want their relationships to last. Life teaching is going the extra mile to show LOVE. Many generations were not taught this so how are they suppose to know if not shown to them out of LOVE.

  16. I have a 6h grade special education class in middle school. We had our issues first semester but talking wasn’t one of them. Second semester a talkative student I had in elementary joined our class. Now the class has taken on a whole new tone, that of talking every time they feel like it. I have tried to change it, unsuccessfully. HELP!

  17. I appreciate you breaking it down, especially the part about waiting 30 minutes. This is good on many levels, including letting the teacher cool down. Thanks so much for the detail. -Melissa

  18. A parent letter was sent home however the parent refuses to sign it because she wants more details. Details were sent home the day her child was misbehaving along with the student conduct chart I use on a daily basis. What step do I need to take next since this is a parent who is demanding disrespectful, rude, bully and thinks her child should be treated better than the others?

    • Hi Janet,

      I would call and give the parent the facts. If the parent still doesn’t want to sign, that’s okay. It isn’t the point of the letter.


  19. I enjoy your articles and find them very useful. I teach in a private school and most students are respectful. However, there are a few who show disrespect in various forms: sleeping in class, muttering (“this choral work sounds like a cult”, “we did it like this in another class”), inappropriate language and not “liking” what we are doing. Many of these children come from different cultures and some of them come from privileged backgrounds. I have thought of talking about what is respectful and disrespectful to all my classes. What do you think?

    • Hi Margaret,

      There is a lot to this answer, and I would also have questions for you. The only way I can confidently give accurate advice regarding what I think is the best approach is if we spoke personally. If you’re interested, we do offer personal coaching.


  20. I have a very difficult year, I used to teach in HS level but this year I was sent to teach Math at 4 grade class. My students are from very poor neigbohord and many of them experenced violence daily. My problem is that once I start teaching, they start insulting each other and attacted amount them. This situation happens almost every day and escalated to apply to all of them (around 12). I asked administration for help, they told me that is my resposability to handle misbehavior students as other teachers do. Now the rumors are that I do not know how to control my classes (even is only one that I have problems with) and this aspect will affect my final year evaluation. I call many parents but they are so defensive even mean because they said that the things I related to them are no true or I am exagerating things to get theirs children suspended or expeleded from school.
    Please helpe with some strategies to apply to avoid physical confrontations and insults every day.

  21. Hello Michael,

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience and advice through Smart Classroom Management.

    I have a colleague (female) whose freshman student (male) continues to call her by her first name. She is an experienced teacher who has been handling it much as you describe; he has continued to call her by her first name, her former married name, and anything but what she has asked and firmly instructed him to call her.

    The student came to me today asking if she would REALLY write a referral on this behavior and wanted an explanation as to why it is inappropriate to call her by her first name. I let him know that she is serious and that calling her by her first name treats her as a peer rather than acknowledge her authority in the classroom. He mentioned that when you meet a stranger, you ask them for their first name; I told him it depends on context – their are situations where I introduce myself as “Dr. Miller-DeBoer” and other situations where I introduce myself as “Carrie.”

    As a female teacher, this type of continued behavior begins to feel like a threat. I’m not entirely sure how to explain that facet to a student. It becomes difficult to distinguish when this behavior is a matter of classroom authority or one of respect for women.

    I would love to know what your response would have been and your thoughts on the behavior in general (I thought you had a post on this issue, but I wasn’t able to find it).




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