How To Become A Classroom Management Natural

Smart Classroom Management: How To Be A Smart Classroom Management NaturalIt is said that classroom management comes easy to a lucky few.

That some teachers are naturals.

They walk into a classroom and somehow, mysteriously, the students just know to be at their best.

But here’s the thing.

If you peek beneath the surface of these “naturals,” if you take a close look at how they interact with students, you’ll discover no mystery at all.

The same qualities that make classroom management look effortless for them… are available to you.

You too can be a natural. Just follow their lead.

Here’s how:

Be calm.

Teachers who radiate a sense of calm have an almost otherworldly effect on students. By their very presence they’re able to settle excitability, erase silliness and immaturity, and focus students on what matters.

Be friendly.

Natural teachers have a genuine, friendly attitude toward students. There is no false praise, ginned-up enthusiasm, or forced camaraderie. They’re real, honest, and openly friendly–which gives them powerful, behavior-influencing leverage.

Be determined.

Natural teachers have a bit of bulldog in them. An attitude that says: I’m going to teach great lessons, you’re going to be well behaved, and we’re going to have a classroom we love coming to every day. And that’s just the way it’s going to be.

Be aware.

Naturals in classroom management are sharp, perceptive, and acutely aware of everything that happens in their classroom. They observe a lot. They absorb a lot. And they’re always three steps ahead of their students.

Be fun.

Teachers who are open to humor, to laughter, and to seeing the fun and funny in their students are able to build strong rapport, camaraderie, and love for the class. All of which translate to better behavior.

Be confident.

Teachers who carry themselves with confidence, despite not always feeling it, send the unmistakable message that they are in charge. In this day and age, many students only respect, listen to, and respond favorably to clear, confident leaders.

Be forgiving.

Teachers with a forgiving nature are afforded greater influence. Every day is a new day in their eyes. No grudges are held. And behavior isn’t taken as a personal affront. Students are given a fresh start every day, which is a powerful reminder that their teacher believes in them.

Be polite.

Teachers who are noticeably and consistently polite enjoy a vast difference in the way students speak to them—as well as how their students treat each other. In polite classrooms, misbehavior is exposed for what it is: rude, absurdly out of place, and unappealing.

Be unflappable.

Showing frustration, yelling, or reacting emotionally to misbehavior undermines effective classroom management. Teachers who keep their cool regardless of what’s going on around them are deeply respected by students–who in turn repay them with respectful behavior.

Be dependable.

Natural teachers build trust by being the same steady teacher today as they were yesterday. Students know they can depend on them to be reliable in behavior, word, and action. Moodiness, after all, destroys trust and will cause a classroom to spiral into unruliness.

Be charismatic.

Charisma is the sum total of the qualities above. For many discouraged teachers, particularly those focused on external rewards and stiffer consequences, it is the missing piece. It is what gives a natural teacher the personal magnetism that inspires students to want to please them and behave better for them.

What Are You Waiting For?

None of the qualities above are especially difficult or unattainable. They don’t take extra planning or loads of time. No psychotherapy is needed.

It isn’t rocket science.

Becoming a “natural” in classroom management is like any other goal. It takes desire. It takes purposeful thought. It takes making a choice to pursue what you really want, and then putting your head down and doing it.

I recommend printing the list and reading through it before your students arrive in the morning. Allow yourself a few minutes alone at your desk. Take three or four deep breaths. And meditate on each quality.

Do it every day.

And soon, they’ll be calling you a natural too.

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10 thoughts on “How To Become A Classroom Management Natural”

  1. Thank you for your great articles! I teach at an inner city school and have been looking for ways to improve my classroom management. Thank you for all your advice!

  2. Your Web site is so helpful and informative. I’m new and in a program where I get my education grad degree while teaching. I’m soon to be entering a middle school class mid-year. A non-certified assistant has been teaching it for five months. It’s possible that person may stay on with me. It’s like the asst. coach has been managing the team and now the coach (me) shows up and takes charge.
    How do I transition/take charge when the asst.’s management plan isn’t like yours (and/or is nonexistent)? How do I manage when both the asst. and I are co-teaching? What if the asst. does not agree to your suggested Rules/Behavior Mgmt Plan (even though the school’s plan clearly isn’t effective)?
    Thanks so much!

    • Hi MJ,

      You must think of your first day as the first day of school. You have to spend the week teaching and modeling your classroom management plan and establishing routines. I recommend reading through the First Days Of School category of the archive. As to your question about the assistant, you’re the teacher and leader of the classroom and are responsible for your students and their learning. Thus, you make the decisions. You lead the classroom and set the tone. Your assistant assists.


  3. Hi Michael,
    Im returning to a classroom of 5 year olds after a year of being given the opportunity to go into different classes and team teach. Even though Ive been teaching for 7 years, Im still very nervous about returning full time to the classroom as I needed a break due to the stress. I am very excited as well, to be again having my own class, when I try not to think about the things that caused my stress in the first instance, eg misbehaving students, angry parents, loss of self esteem. Reading your articles is really really helpful – and is setting me up for a good year. Im looking forward to reading more!

  4. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Your articles are resourceful.
    P.s. how can one be charismatic? I thought people were born to be that way…

    • You’re welcome, Bluepearls. I’ve addressed this topic in previous articles, but will cover it again soon.


  5. Hi Michael,

    I’m a music teacher, and found your website after a lesson in which a number of 12 year old pupils behaved incredibly disrespectfully to a support assistant as well as myself. I have been teaching for seven years, and pride myself on being mannerly, fun, friendly, approachable and organised. These are qualities which I try to instill in my pupils through my behaviour. I have a great relationship with most of my pupils and love my job.

    However, there are some pupils who just don’t meet me half way and I feel I’m getting to my wits end. I feel that I already act on most of your tips above, but have to say that it seems to me that in spite of this, there are still some pupils who will always choose to make your life difficult and behave disrespectfully.

    What do you do then? When they seem not to see how much you care and how much you put into your lessons to enable them to learn and better themselves? Any advice would be appreciated.



    • Hi Lucy,

      This is a big question and I would need more information from you to give you accurate advice. There is a cost involved, but you could sign up for personal coaching and we can get to the bottom of the issue. I also recommend Classroom Management for Art, Music, and PE Teachers.



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