The Best Of Smart Classroom Management 2009

Celebrating The Best Of Smart Classroom Management 2009

2009 has been a great year for Smart Classroom Management. Though less than a year old, we have enjoyed rapid growth. Every month we set a new record in the number of visitors and in the number of new subscribers.

Thank you so much for your support.

In 2010 we will continue to provide classroom management articles, tips, and strategies that are easy to implement and proven to work. If you have a topic or situation you would like me to cover in the coming year, please let me know. You can email me or leave a comment below.

What follows is a list of the best articles written in 2009 based on emails, links, tweets, and page views.

  • The Classroom Management Mindset – I struggled to describe this critical mindset until I recalled the beautiful morning I spent climbing the ramparts atop the wall surrounding Jerusalem.

There you have it. The very best of Smart Classroom Management 2009. Thanks so much for being a part of it. And thanks for sharing this blog with your friends and colleagues.

Have a Happy New Year!


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1 thought on “The Best Of Smart Classroom Management 2009”

  1. Wow! I just finished the book, Dream Class, and let me say that it’s wonderful and life changing if you are open to letting it change your way of classroom management. You won’t see MY copy of this book for sale on Ebay, no sir!

    I am a veteran teacher with this being my 15th year, and I still felt like I was lacking in classroom management skills. While reading this book, I occasionally emailed Mr. Linsin and he was very thoughtful to email back and answer my questions.

    Some of the most heartfelt and personal points for me were close to the end of the book, and it’s just the kind of things I needed to hear. Let me tell you, they were not pretty, butter-you-up kinds of things either! In fact, Mr. Linsin probably knew that those key points were what I needed to hear by reading my emails; but instead of telling me, he let me find out on my own. Lesson learned, Mr. Linsin and thank you!

    The blog is extremely helpful as well, but to really understand what he’s talking about at a deeper level, I recommend you read the book. The articles in the blog really add to the content of the book, it’s not repetative but everything still falls into the same “keys” to understanding classroom management.

    The best part of all is – guess what? It’s not ROCKET SCIENCE guys, it’s all so simple if you will just open your eyes. I will be referring to this book often, especially if I lose my way and fall into old habits. I will recommend this book to anyone – anytime!


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